Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; MagpieRSS has a deprecated constructor in /home/restless/public_html/magpierss/ on line 34
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; RSSCache has a deprecated constructor in /home/restless/public_html/magpierss/ on line 19
Notice: Undefined property: MagpieRSS::$etag in /home/restless/public_html/magpierss/ on line 156
Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/restless/public_html/hq/makeshift_links.php on line 197
Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/restless/public_html/hq/makeshift_links.php on line 197
Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/restless/public_html/hq/makeshift_links.php on line 197
Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/restless/public_html/hq/makeshift_links.php on line 197
Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/restless/public_html/hq/makeshift_links.php on line 197
Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/restless/public_html/hq/makeshift_links.php on line 197
Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/restless/public_html/hq/makeshift_links.php on line 197
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